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Prof. Dr. Thomas Borsch

Thomas Borsch
+49 30 838 50133
+49 30 838-4 50133
Botanischer Garten Berlin
Freie Universität Berlin
Königin-Luise-Straße 6-8


Director General of the Botanic Garden Berlin

Professor for Plant Systematics and Plant Geography, Freie Universität Berlin

Leading the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, science and science policy work


Place and
year of birth
Königstein im Taunus, 18th February 1969
Nationality German


2005 Habilitation, Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn
2000 Dr. rer. nat., Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn
1996 Diplom, Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn

Academic and professional career

2008 - present Professor (W3) for Plant Systematics and Plant Geography and Director of the Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin (BGBM), Freie Universität Berlin
2007 - 2008 Professor (W2) for Biodiversity and Evolution of plants, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Director of the Botanic Garden of the Universität Oldenburg
2005 - 2007 Privatdozent, Nees Institute, Head of the laboratories of molecular systematics
2000 - 2005 Scientific Assistant (C1), Nees Institute, Universität Bonn
1999 - 2000 Research Assistant, Botanisches Institut, Universität Bonn
1992 - 1994 Research Assistant (part-time), Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt


95 publications in peer-reviewed indexed journals (h index: 44, citations 7573 {google scholar})
10 book chapters and monographs
Various publications in periodicals addressing a general audience


Evolution of flowering plants, phylogenetics and phylogenomics, integrative plant taxonomy, biogeography, workflows and standards to use natural history collections in research and education; Conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity; International collaboration and partnership.


  • BMBF, ColBioDiv – Integrated Biodiversity Management in Exemplar Regions of Colombia (2017 – 2020): PI together with Co‑PIs B. Schütt (Geography FU Berlin) and M. Braig (Political Sciences FU Berlin)
  • BMBF, EvoBoGa – Pflanzensammlungen Botanischer Gärten: Lebendige Ressourcen für die Integrative Evolutionsforschung (2017-2020): PI together with Co-PIs M. Koch (Universität Heidelberg) und G. Zizka (Forschungsinstut Senckenberg)
  • BMBF GBOL I and II (German Barcode of Life) (2012 – 2019): Co‑PI for flowering plants and BGBM participation
  • BMUB, ABS – Access & Benefit Sharing: Bewusstseinsbildung bei Nutzern genetischer Ressourcen in Deutschland und Beratung der zuständigen Behörde für den Vollzug von EU-Verordnung 511/2014 (2015-2016)
  • DFG Normalverfahren (verschiedene Projekte)
  • VolkswagenStiftung – Developing Tools for the Conservation of Plant Diversity in the South Caucasus (Phases I and II, 2010-2019): PI from the German side (together with partners in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia)

Ehrungen und Preise

2007 - present: Referee, Commission for Botany, Akademie der Literatur und der Wissenschaften, Mainz
2006-2007 Scholarship Heisenberg, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
1997-1999 Scholarship Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
1987 “Jugend forscht” 2. Bundespreis in Biologie


2015 – present: Editoral Advisory Board: Revista del Jardín Botánico Nacional; La Habana, Cuba
2007 – present: Editoral Advisory Board: Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad
2009 – 2014: Associate Editor: Journal of Systematics and Evolution
2008 – present: Editoral Board: Willdenowia

Mandate in wissenschaftlichen Gremien und Komitees

Deutsche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen als integrierte Forschungsinfrastruktur (DCOLL) (member of the presidium)
World Flora Online, Taxonomic Working Group (co-chair)
Berlin Centre for Genomics in Biodiversity Research (BeGenDiv) (Vice Speaker)
Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI, International Advisory Board, member)
Flora of Greece (Steering Committee, member)
Netherlands Center for Biodiversity Naturalis (Scientific Advisory Board)
Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities (CETAF), (Board of directors)
Dahlem Center of Plant Sciences (DCPS), Deputy Speaker
European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy (EDIT), (Board of directors)

Mitgliedschaft in wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften

American Society of Plant Taxonomists
Botanical Society of America
Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft
Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik
International Association for Plant Taxonomy
International Organisation of Systematics and Evolutionary Biology (President 2009-2011)
Sociedad Mexicana de Botánica
Sociedad Cubana de Botánica (corresponding member)

Papers in peer reviewed journals (published and in press)

111. Duwe V. K., Vu L. V., von Rintelen T., von Raab-Straube E., Schmidt S., Nguyen S. V., Vu T. D., Do T. V., Luu T. H., Truong V. B., Di Vincenzo V., Schmidt O., Glöckler F., Jahn R., Lücking R., von Oheimb K. C. M., von Oheimb P. V., Heinze S., Abarca N., Bollendorff S., Borsch T., Buenaventura E., Dang HTT., Dinh T. D., Do H. T., Ehlers S., Freyhof J., Hayden S., Hein P., Hoang T. A., Hoang D. M., Hoang S. N., Kürschner H., Kusber W-H., Le H. N., Le T. Q., Linde M., Mey W., Nguyen H. D., Nguyen M. T., Nguyen M. T., Nguyen D. V., Nguyen T. V., Nguyen V. D. H., Nguyen D. Q., Ohl M., Parolly G., Pham T. N., Pham P. V., Rabe K., Schurian B., Skibbe O., Sulikowska-Drozd A., To Q. V., Truong T. Q., Zimmermann J., Häuser C. L. 2022: Contributions to the biodiversity of Vietnam – Results of VIETBIO inventory work and field training in Cuc Phuong National Park. – Biodiversity Data Journal 10, doi: 10.3897/BDJ.10.e77025
110. Salimov R. A., Parolly G. & Borsch T. 2021: Overall phylogenetic relationships of Scutellaria (Lamiaceae) shed light on the origin of the predominantly Caucasian and Irano-Turanian S. orientalis species group. – Willdenowia 51(3): 395-427, doi: 10.3372/wi.51.51307  
109. Escobari B., Borsch T., Quedensley T.S. & Gruenstaeudl M. 2021: Plastid phylogenomics of the Gynoxoid group (Senecioneae, Asteraceae) highlights the importance of motif-based sequence alignment amid low genetic distances. – Amer. J. Bot. 108(11): 2235-2256, doi: 10.1002/ajb2.1775
108. Borsch T. & Zippel E. 2021: Genetische Grundlagen für den botanischen Artenschutz in Deutschland. – Natur und Landschaft 9/10: 450-460, doi: 10.17433/9.2021.50153947.450-460
107. Calbi M., Fajardo-Gutiérrez F., Posada J. M., Lücking R., Brokamp G. & Borsch, T. 2021: Seeing the wood despite the trees: Exploring human disturbance impact on plant diversity, community structure, and standing biomass in fragmented high Andean forests. - Ecology and Evolution (in press), doi: 10.1002/ece3.7182
106. Fajardo-Gutiérrez F., Moreno D., Medellín-Zabala D., Rodríguez-Calderón A., Urbano-Apraez S., Vargas C. A., Orejuela A., Muñoz J. A., Aguirre-Santoro J., Jara-Muñoz O. A., Rivera-Díaz O., Ávila F., Valencia-D. J., Marín C., Montoya-Quiroga A. M., Rivera-Daza Y. A., Cabrera-Amaya D. M., Calbi M., Brokamp G., Borsch T., Contreras-Ortiz N., Castro C., Ramírez-Narváez P. N., Reina-E. M., Del Risco A., Orozco N., Currea S., Ruíz Óscar Sarmiento J. C., Ariza W., Bernal J., Portillo A., Paternina F., Castillo J., Estrada D., Canal D., Diazgranados M. & Celis M. 2020: Inventario de la flora vascular de Bogotá D.C., Colombia. - – Pérez-Arbelaezia, 21(1): 17–49,
105. Borsch, T., Berendsohn W. G., Dalcin E., Delmas M., Demissew S., Elliott A., Fritsch P., Fuchs A., Geltman D., Güner A., Haevermans T., Knapp S., le Roux M. M., Loizeau P.-A., Miller C., Miller J., Miller J T., Palese R., Paton A., Parnell J., Pendry C., Qin H.-N., Sosa V., Sosef M., von Raab-Straube E., Ranwashe F., Raz L., Salimov R., Smets E., Thiers B., Thomas W., Tulig M., Ulate W., Ung V., Watson M., Wyse Jackson P. & Zamora N. 2020: World Flora Online: Placing taxonomists at the heart of a definitive and comprehensive global resource on the world’s plants. – Taxon Volume 69(6): 1311-1341, doi: 10.1002/tax.12373
104. Ortuño Limarino T. & Borsch, T. 2020: Gomphrena (Amaranthaceae, Gomphrenoideae) diversified as a C4 lineage in the New World tropics with specializations in floral and inflorescence morphology, and an escape to Australia. – Willdenowia 50(3): 345-381, doi: 10.3372/wi.50.50301
103. Calbi M., Clerici N., Borsch T. & Brokamp G. 2020: Reconstructing long term high Andean forest dynamics using historical aerial imagery: A case study in Colombia. – Forests 11(8): 788; doi: 10.3390/f11080788
102. Torres-Montúfar A., Borsch T., Fuentes S., Gutierrez J. & Ochoterena H. 2020: It is not a disaster: molecular and morphologically based phylogenetic analysis of Rondeletieae and the Rondeletia complex (Cinchonoideae, Rubiaceae). – Plant Syst. Evol. 306(2): 1-25, doi: 10.1007/s00606-020-01630-6
101. Borsch T., Stevens A.-D., Häffner E., Güntsch A., Berendsohn W. G., Appelhans M. S., Barilaro C., Beszteri B., Blattner F. R., Bossdorf O., Dalitz H., Dressler S., Duque-Thüs R., Esser H.-J., Franzke A., Goetze D., Grein M., Grünert U., Hellwig F., Hentschel J., Hörandl E., Janßen T., Jürgens N., Kadereit G., Karisch T., Koch M. A., Müller F., Müller J., Ober D., Porembski S., Poschlod P., Printzen C., Röser M., Sack P., Schlüter P., Schmidt M., Schnittler M., Scholler M., Schultz M., Seeber E., Simmel J., Stiller M., Thiv M., Thüs H., Tkach N., Triebel D., Warnke U., Weibulat T., Wesche K., Yurkov A. & Zizka G. 2020: A complete digitization of German herbaria is possible, sensible, and should be started now. – Research Ideas and Outcomes 6: e50675, doi: 10.3897/rio.6.e50675
100. Falcón Hidalgo B., Fuentes Bazan S., Berazaín Iturralde R. & Borsch T. 2020: Phylogenetic Relationships and Character Evolution in Neotropical Phyllanthus (Phyllanthaceae), with a Focus on the Cuban and Caribbean Taxa. – Int. J. Pl. Sci. 181(3): 284-305, doi: 10.1086/706454
99. Silakadze N., Kilian N., Korotkova N., Mosulishvili M. & Borsch T. 2019: Multiple evolutionary origins of high mountain bellflowers with solitary flowers and calyx scales render a core Caucasian clade of the Scapiflorae group (Campanulaceae). –Syst. Biodiv. 17(7): 690-711, doi: 10.1080/14772000.2019.1679273
98. Akhani H., Samadi N., Noormohammadi A. & Borsch T. 2019: A new species of Tamarix (Tamaricaceae) from Hormozgan Province, S Iran, supported by morphology and molecular phylogenetics. – Willdenowia 49(1): 127-139, doi: 10.3372/wi.49.49113
97. Canal D., Köster N., Celis M., Croat T. B., Borsch T. & Jones K. E. 2019: Out of Amazonia: Diversification history of the species-rich genus Philodendron (Araceae). – Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 104(1): 49-68, doi: 10.3417/2018266
96. Lücking R., Moncada B., Martínez-Habibe M. C., Salgado-Negret B. E., Celis M., Rojas-Zamora O., Rodríguez-M. G. M., Brokamp G. & Borsch T. 2019: Biological diversity in Colombian Caribbean dry forest remnants in Atlántico: Lichen communities in the distrito regional de manejo integrado Luriza and the reserva forestal protectora El Palomar. – Caldasia 41(1): 194-214, doi: 10.15446/caldasia.v41n1.71060 
95. Szukala A., Korotkova N., Gruenstaeudl M., Sennikov A. N., Lazkov G. A., Litvinskaya S. A., Gabrielian E., Borsch T. & von Raab-Straube E. 2019: Phylogeny of the Eurasian genus Jurinea (Asteraceae: Cardueae): Support for a monophyletic genus concept and a first hypothesis on overall species relationships. – Taxon 68(1): 112-131, doi: 10.1002/tax.12027
94. Berendsohn, W. G., Borsch T., Güntsch A., Kohlbecker A., Korotkova N., Luther K., Müller A., Plitzner P., von Mering S. 2018: Using the EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy to prepare and publish a treatment for the Caryophyllales Network: an online synthesis of the Nepenthaceae. – Willdenowia 48(3): 335-344, doi: 10.3372/wi.48.48301
93. Borsch T., Flores-Olvera H., Zumaya S. & Müller K. 2018: Pollen characters and DNA sequence data converge on a monophyletic genus Iresine P. Browne (Amaranthaceae, Caryophyllales) and help to elucidate its species diversity. – Taxon 67: 944-976, doi: 10.12705/675.7
92. Canal D., Köster N., Korotkova N., Jones K. E., Croat T. B. & Borsch T. 2018: Phylogeny and diversification history of the large neotropical genus Philodendron (Araceae): Accelerated speciation in a lineage dominated by epiphytes. – Amer. J. Bot. 105 (6): 1035-1052, doi: 10.1002/ajb2.1111
91. Grünstäudl M., Gerschler N. & Borsch T. 2018. Bioinformatic workflows for generating complete plastid genome sequences – an example from Cabomba (Cabombaceae) in the context of the phylogenomic analysis of the waterlily-clade. – Life 8(3): 25, doi: 10.3390/life8030025
90. Di Vincenzo V., Gruenstaeudl M., Nauheimer L., Wondafrash M., Kamau P., Demissew S. & Borsch T. 2018: Evolutionary diversification of the African achyranthoid clade (Amaranthaceae) in the context of sterile flower evolution and epizoochory. – Ann. Bot. 122: 69-85, doi: 10.1093/aob/mcy055
89. Duwe V.K., Muller L.A.H., Reichel K., Zippel E., Borsch T. & Ismail S.A. 2018: Genetic structure and genetic diversity of the endangered grassland plant Crepis mollis (Jacq.) Asch. as a basis for conservation management in Germany. Conserv. Genet., doi 10.1007/s10592-017-1025-8
88. Torres-Montúfar A., Borsch T. & Ochoterena H. 2018: When homoplasy is not homoplasy: Dissecting trait evolution by contrasting composite and reductive coding. – Syst. Biol. 67: 543-551, doi: 10.1093/sysbio/syx053
87.  Ismail S.A., Duwe V.K., Zippel E. & Borsch T. 2018: Assessment of current genetic structure from local to geographic scales indicates brake down of historically extensive gene flow in the dry grassland species Scabiosa canescens Waldst. & Kit. (Dipsacaceae). – Divers. Distr. 24: 233-243, doi: 10.1111/ddi/12667
86. Korotkova N., Parolly G., Khachatryan A., Ghulikyan L., Akopian J. A., Borsch T. & Gruenstaeudl M. 2018: Towards resolving the evolutionary history of Caucasian pears (Pyrus, Rosaceae) - Phylogenetic relationships, divergence times and leaf trait evolution. – J. Syst. Evol. 56: 35-47, doi: 10.111/jse.12276
85. Maharramova E., Gruenstaeudl M., Huseynova Irade M., Kolbaia S., Borsch T. & Muller L. A. H. 2018: Phylogeography and population genetics of the riparian relict tree Pterocarya fraxinifolia (Juglandaceae) in the South Caucasus – Syst. Biodiv. 16: 14-27, doi: 10.1080/147720000.2017.1333540
84. Torres-Montúfar A., Borsch T., Fuentes S., Clase T., Peguero B. & Ochoterena H. 2017: The new Hispaniolan genus Tainus (Rubiaceae) constitutes an isolated lineage in the Caribbean biodiversity hotspot. Willdenowia 47: 259-270, doi: 10.3327/wi.47.47309
83. Korotkova N., Borsch T. & Arias S. 2017: A phylogenetic framework for the Hylocereeae (Cactaceae) and implications for the circumscription of the genera. – Phytotaxa 327: 1-46, doi: 10.11646/phytotaxa.327.1.1
82. Gruenstaeudl M., Nauheimer L. & Borsch T. 2017: Plastid genome structure and phylogenomics of Nymphaeales: Conserved gene order and new insights into relationships. – Plant Syst. Evol. 303: 1251-1270, doi: 10.1007/s00606-017-1436-5
81. Malekmohammadi M., Akhani H. & Borsch T. 2017: Phylogenetic relationships of Limonium (Plumbaginaceae) inferred from multiple chloroplast and nuclear loci. - Taxon 66: 1128-1146, doi: 10.12705/665.8
80. Jones K., Korotkova N., Petersen J., Henning T., Borsch T. & Kilian N. 2017: Dynamic diversification history with rate upshifts in Holarctic bell-flowers (Campanula and allies). – Cladistics 33: 637-666, doi: 10.1111/cla.12187
79. Duwe V.K., Muller L.A.H., Borsch T. & Ismail S.A. 2017: Pervasive genetic differentiation among Central European populations of the threatened Arnica montana L. and genetic erosion at lower elevations. – Perspectives Pl. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 27: 45-56, doi: 10.1016/j.ppees.2017.02.003 
78. Lücking R., Dal Forno M., Moncada B., Coca L.F., Vargas-Mendoza L.Y., Aptroot A., Arias J.L., Besal B., Bungartz F., Cabrera-Amaya D.M. & al. 2016: Turbo-taxonomy to assemble a megadiverse lichen genus: seventy new species of Cora (Basidiomycota: Agaricales: Hygrophoraceae), honouring David Leslie Hawksworth’s seventieth birthday. – Fungal Div. doi: 10.1007/s13225-016-0374-9
77. Cervantes A., Fuentes S., Gutierrez J., Magallón S. & Borsch T. 2016: Successive arrivals since the Miocene shaped the diversity of the Caribbean Acalyphoideae (Euphorbiaceae) – J. Biogeogr. 43: 1773-1785, doi: 10.1111/jbi.12790
76. Duwe V. K., Muller L. A. H., Borsch T. & Ismail S. A. 2016: Development of microsatellite for Crepis mollis (Astaraceae) – Applic. Pl. Sci. 4 (7), doi: 10.3732/apps.1600022
75. Geiger M. F., Astrin J.J., Borsch T., Burkhardt U., Grobe P., Hand R., Hausmann A., Hohberg K., Krogmann L., Lutz M., Monje C., Misof B., Morinière J., Müller K., Pietsch S., Quandt D., Rulik B., Scholler M., Traunspurger W., Haszprunar G. & Wägele W. 2016: How to tackle the molecular species inventory for an industrialized nation – lessons from the first phase of the German Barcode of Life initiative GBOL. – Genome 59: 1-10, doi: 10.1139/gen-2015-0185
74. Robson D. B., Wiersema J. H., Hellquist C. B. & Borsch T. 2016: Distribution and Ecology of a New Species of Water-lily, Nymphaea loriana (Nymphaeaceae), in Western Canada. – Canad. Field-Naturalist 130: 25–31.
73. Flores-Olvera H., Zumaya S., Borsch T. 2016: Two new species of Iresine (Amaranthaceae: Gomphrenoideae) from Mexico supported by morphological and molecular characters. – Willdenowia 46: 165-174, doi: 10.3372/wi.46.46113
72. Kilian N., Henning T., Plitzner P., Müller A., Güntsch A., Stöver B. C., Müller K. F., Berendsohn W. G.,  Borsch T. 2015: Sample data processing in an additive and reproducible taxonomic workflow by using character data persistently linked to preserved individual specimens. – Database 2015: bav094, doi: 10.1093/database/bav094
71. Hernández-Ledesma P., Berendsohn W. G., Borsch T., Mering S. von, Akhani H., Arias S., Castañeda-Noa I., Eggli U., Eriksson R., Flores-Olvera H., Fuentes-Bazán S., Kadereit G., Klak C., Korotkova N., Nyffeler R., Ocampo G., Ochoterena H., Oxelman B., Rabeler R. K., Sanchez A., Schlumpberger B. O. & Uotila P. 2015: A taxonomic backbone for the global synthesis of species diversity in the angiosperm order Caryophyllales - Willdenowia 45: 281 – 384, doi: 10.3372/wi.45.45.301
70. Borsch T., Hernández-Ledesma P., Berendsohn W. G., Flores-Olvera H., Ochoterena H., Zuloaga F. O., von Mering S. & Kilian N. 2015: An integrative and dynamic approach for monographing species-rich plant groups - building the global synthesis of the angiosperm order Caryophyllales. – Perspectives Pl. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 17(4), 284–300, doi: 10.1016/j.ppees.2015.05.003
69. Rillig M.C., Kiessling W., Borsch T., Gessler A., Greenwood A.D., Hofer H., Joshi J., Schröder B., Thonicke K., Tockner K., Weisshuhn K. & Jeltsch F. 2015: Biodiversity research: data without theory – theory without data. – Front. Ecol. Evol. 3: 20, doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00020
68. Ismail S.A., Duwe V.K., Fleischer-Notter H., Borsch T. 2015: Development of ten polymorphic microsatellite markers for Scabiosa canescens Waldst. & Kit. (Dipsacaceae). – Conserv. Genet. Resour. 7: 725-728. doi: 10.1007/s12686-015-0446-2
67. Duwe V. K., Ismail S. A., Buser A., Sossai E., Borsch T., & Muller L. A. H. 2015: Fourteen Polymorphic Microsatellite Markers for the Threatened Arnica montana (Asteraceae). – Appl. Plant Sci. 3(1), doi: 10.3732/apps.1400091  
66. Maharramova E., Safarov H., Kozlowski G., Borsch T. & Muller L. A. 2015: Analysis of nuclear microsattelites reveals limited differentiation between Colchic and Hyrcanian populations of the wind-pollinated relict tree Zelkova carpinifolia. – American Journal of Botany 102 (1): 119-128. doi: 10.3732/ajb.1400370
65. Borsch T. & Löhne C. 2014: Botanic Gardens for the future: Integrating research conservation, environmental education and public recreation – Ethiop. J. Biol. Sci. 13 (Suppl.): 115–133.
64. Korotkova N., Nauheimer L., Ter-Voskayan H., Allgaier M. & Borsch T. 2014: Variability among the most rapidly evolving plastid genomic regions is lineage-specific: implications of pairwise genome comparisons in Pyrus (Rosaceae) and other angiosperms for marker choice. - PLoS One 9 (11): e112998. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0112998
63. Borsch T., Wiersema J. H., Hellquist C. B., Löhne C. & Govers K. 2014: Speciation in North American water-lilies: Evidence for the hybrid origin of the newly discovered Canadian endemic Nymphaea loriana (Nymphaeaceae) in a past contact zone. - Canadian Journal of Botany 92 (12): 867–882, doi: 10.1139/cjb-2014-0060
62. Crowl A. A., Mavrodiev E., Mansion G., Haberle R., Pistarino A., Kamari G., Phitos D., Borsch T. & Cellinese N. 2014: Phylogeny of Campanuloideae (Campanulaceae) with emphasis on the utility of nuclear pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) genes. – PLoS ONE 9 (4): e94199, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0094199
61. Maharramova E. H., Muller L. H., Korotkova N. & Borsch T. 2014: Development of nuclear microsatellites for the Arcto-Tertiary tree Zelkova carpinifolia (Ulmaceae) using 454 pyrosequencing. – Appl. Plant Sci. 2 (3). doi: 103732/apps.1300072
60. Tesfaye K., Govers K., Bekele E. & Borsch, T. 2014: ISSR fingerprinting of Coffea arabica throughout Ethiopia reveals high variability in wild populations and distinguishes them from landraces. – Plant Syst. Evol. 300 (5): 881-897, doi: 10.1007/s00606-013-0927-2
59. Bécquer E., Michelangeli F.A. & Borsch T. 2014: Comparative seed morphology of the Antillean genus Calycogonium (Melastomataceae: Miconieae) as a source of characters to untangle its complex taxonomy. - Phytotaxa 166 (4): 241–258, doi: 10.11646/phytotaxa.166.4.1
58. Meneses R. I., Borsch T., Ortuño T. & Fuentes A. 2013: Hacia una flora de Bolivia. – Rev. Soc. Boliv. Bot. 7: 97-105.
57. González Gutiérrez P. A., Köhler E. & Borsch T. 2013: New species of Buxus (Buxaceae) from northeastern Cuba based on morphological and molecular characters, including some comments on molecular diagnosis [Novitiae florae cubensis 40] – Willdenowia 43: 125–137, doi: 10.3372/wi.43.43115
56. Zumaya S., Flores-Olvera, H. & Borsch T. 2013: Two new Mexican endemic species of Iresine (Amaranthaceae) – Syst. Bot. 38(2): 434-443, doi: 10.1600/036364413X666633
55. Mansion G., Parolly G., Crowl A.A., Mavrodiev E., Cellinese N., Oganesian M., Fraunhofer K., Kamari G., Phitos D., Haberle R., Akaydin G., Ikinci N., Raus T. & Borsch T. 2012: How to handle speciose clades? Massive taxon sampling as a strategy towards illuminating the natural history of Campanula (Campanuloideae). – PLoS ONE 7(11): e50076, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0050076
54. Fuentes Bazan S., Uotila P. & Borsch T. 2012: A novel phylogeny-based generic classification for Chenopodium sensu lato, and a tribal rearrangement of Chenopodioideae (Chenopodiaceae). – Willdenowia 42: 5-24, doi: 10.3372/wi42.42101
53. Sánchez-del Pino Y., Motley T.J. & Borsch T. 2012: Molecular phylogenetics of Alternanthera (GomphrenoideaeAmaranthaceae): resolving a complex taxonomic history caused by different interpretations of morphological charactersin a lineage with C4 and C3-C4 intermediate species. – Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 169: 493-517.
52. Barniske A., Borsch T., Müller K., Krug M., Neinhuis C. & Quandt D. 2012: Phylogenetics of early branching eudicots: comparing phylogenetic signal across chloroplast introns, spacers and genes. – J. Syst. Evol. 50: 85-108, doi: 10.1111/j.1759-6831. 2012.00181.x
51. Fuentes S., Mansion G. & Borsch T. 2012: Towards a species level tree of the globally diverse genus Chenopodium (Chenopodiaceae). – Molec. Phylogenet. Evol. 62: 359-374, doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2011.10.006
50. Korotkova N., Borsch T., Quandt D., Taylor N.P., Müller K.F. & Barthlott W. 2011: What does it take to resolve relationships and to identify species with molecular markers? An example from the epiphytic Rhipsalideae (Cactaceae). – Amer. J. Bot. 98: 1549-1572, doi: 10.3732/ajb.1000502
49. Borsch T., Ortuño Limarino T. & Nee M. H. 2011: Phylogenetics of the neotropical liana genus Pedersenia (AmaranthaceaeGomphrenoideae) and discovery of a new species from Bolivia based on molecules and morphology. – Willdenowia 41: 5 – 14, doi: 10.3372/wi.41.41101
48. Košuth J., Smelcerovic A., Borsch T., Zuehlke S., Karppinen K., Spiteller M., Hohtola A. & Čellárová E. 2011: The hyp-1 gene is not a limiting factor for hypericin biosynthesis in the genus Hypericum. – Funct. Pl. Biol. 38: 35-43, doi: 10.1071/FP10144
47. Borsch T., Löhne C., Mbaye M.S. & Wiersema J. 2010: Towards a complete species tree of Nymphaea: shedding further light on subg. Brachyceras and its relationships to the Australian waterlilies. – Telopea 13: 193-217.
46. Schäferhoff B., Fleischmann A., Fischer E., Albach D. C., Borsch T., Heubl G., & Müller K. F.: Towards resolving Lamiales relationships: insights from rapidly evolving chloroplast sequences. – BMC Evol. Biol. 10: 352. doi: 10.1186/1471-2148-10-352
45. Löhne C., Wiersema J. H. & Borsch T. 2009: The unusual Ondinea, actually just another Australian water-lily of Nymphaea subg. Anecphya (Nymphaeaceae). – Willdenowia 39: 55-58.
44. Schäferhoff B., Müller K. F. & Borsch T. 2009: Caryophyllales phylogenetics: disentangling Phytolaccaceae and Molluginaceae and description of Microteaceae as a new isolated family. – Willdenowia 39: 209-228.
43. Korotkova N., Schneider J. V., Quandt D., Worberg A., Zizka G. & Borsch T. 2009: Phylogeny of the eudicot order Malpighiales. Analysis of a recalcitrant clade with sequences of the petD group II intron. – Pl. Syst. Evol. 282 [Special issue “Molecular evolution and phylogenetic utility of non-coding DNA – applications from species to deep level questions”]: 201-228.
42. Borsch T. & Quandt D. 2009: Mutational dynamics and phylogenetic utility of non-coding chloroplast DNA. – Pl. Syst. Evol. 282 [Special issue “Molecular evolution and phylogenetic utility of non-coding DNA – applications from species to deep level questions”]: 169-199.
41. Borsch T., Korotkova N., Raus T., Lobin W. & Löhne C. 2009: The petD group II intron as a species level marker: utility for tree inference and species identification in the diverse genus Campanula (Campanulaceae). – Willdenowia 39: 7-33.
40. Kusari S., Zühlke S., Borsch T. & Spiteller M. 2009: Positive correlations between hypericin and putative precursors detected in the quantitative secondary metabolite spectrum of Hypericum. – Phytochemistry 70: 1222-1232.
39. Worberg A., Alford M. H., Quandt D. & Borsch T. 2009: Huerteales sister to Brassicales plus Malvales, and newly circumscribed to include DipentodonGerrardinaHuerteaPerrotetia and Tapiscia. – Taxon 58: 468-478.
38. Sánchez del-Pino I., Borsch T. & Motley T. 2009: trnL-F and rpl16  sequence data and dense taxon sampling reveal monophyly of unilocular anthered Gomphrenoideae (Amaranthaceae) and an improved picture of their internal relationships. – Syst. Bot. 34: 57-67.
37. Gole T.W., Borsch T., Denich M. & Teketay D. 2008: Floristic composition and environmental factors characterizing coffee forests in southwest Ethiopia. – Forest Ecol. Managem. 255: 2138-2150.
36. Borsch T. & Soltis P. S. 2008: Nymphaeales – the first globally diverse clade? – Taxon 57: 1051.
35. Borsch T., Wiersema J. H. & Löhne C. 2008: Phylogeny and evolutionary patterns in Nymphaeales: integrating genes, genomes and morphology. – Taxon 57: 1052-1081.
34. Löhne C., Yoo M.-Y., Borsch T., Bell C.D., Wiersema J. H., Wilde V., Soltis P. S., Soltis D. E. & Barthlott W. 2008: Biogeography of Nymphaeales – extant patterns and historical events. – Taxon 57: 1123-1146.
33. Löhne C., Borsch T., Jacobs S. W. L., Hellquist C. B., Wiersema J. H. 2008: Nuclear and plastid DNA sequences reveal complex reticulate patterns in Australian water lilies (Nymphaea subgenus AnecphyaNymphaeaceae). – Austral. Syst. Bot. 21: 229-250.
32. Beck S. G., Fleischmann A., Huaylla H., Müller K. F. & Borsch T. 2008: Pinguicula chuquisacensis (Lentibulariaceae), a new species from the Bolivian Andes, and first insights on phylogenetic relationships among South American Pinguicula. – Willdenowia 38: 201-212.
31. Sage R., Sage T.L., Pearcy, R.W., Borsch T. 2007: The taxonomic distribution of C4 photosynthesis in Amaranthaceae sensu stricto. – Amer. J. Bot. 94: 1992-2003.
30. Tesfaye G. K., Borsch T., Govers K., Bekele E. 2007: Characterisation of Coffea chloroplast microsatellites and evidence for the recent divergence of C. arabica and C. eugenioides cp genomes. – Genome 50: 1112-1129.
29. Löhne C., Borsch T. & Wiersema JH. 2007: Phylogenetic analysis of Nymphaeales using fast-evolving and non-coding chloroplast markers. – Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 154: 141-163.
28. Borsch T., Hilu KW., Wiersema JH., Löhne C., Barthlott W. & Wilde V. 2007: Phylogeny of Nymphaea (Nymphaeaceae): evidence from substitutions and microstructural changes in the chloroplast trnT-trnF region. – Int. J. Pl. Sci. 168: 639-671.
27. Worberg A, Quandt D., Barniske A-M., Löhne C., Hilu KW. & Borsch T. 2007: Phylogeny of basal eudicots: insights from non-coding and rapidly evolving DNA. – Organisms Diversity Evol. 7: 55-77.
26. Wanke S, Jaramillo MA., Borsch T., Samain SM., Quandt D., Neinhuis C. 2007: Evolution of Piperales – matK gene and trnK intron sequence data reveal lineage specific resolution contrast. – Molec. Phylogenet. Evol. 42: 477-497.
25. Ortuño T. & Borsch T. 2006: A further new species of Gomphrena (AmaranthaceaeGomphrenoideae) from the dry valleys of Bolivia. – Kew Bull. 61: 565-568.
24. Müller K., Borsch T., Legendre L., Porembski S. & Barthlott W. 2006: Recent progress in understanding the evolution of Lentibulariaceae. – Pl. Biol. 8: 748-757.
23. Greilhuber J., Borsch T., Müller M., Worberg A., Porembski S. & Barthlott W. 2006: Smallest angiosperm genomes found in Lentibulariaceae, with chromosomes of bacterial size. – Pl. Biol. 8: 770-777.
22. Müller KF., Borsch T. & Hilu KW. 2006: Phylogenetic utility of rapidly evolving DNA at high taxonomical levels: contrasting matK, trnT-F and rbcL in basal angiosperms. – Molec. Phylogenet. Evol. 41: 99-117.
21. Moore S E M., Hemsley A R. & Borsch T. 2006: Micromorphology of outer exospore coatings in Selaginella megaspores. – Grana 45: 9-21.
20. Müller K. & Borsch T. 2005: Stellate pore ornamentation in Amaranthaceae pollen: Multiple origins of a unique feature. – Grana 44: 266-281.
19. Cieslack T., Polepalli J.S., White A., Müller K., Borsch T., Barthlott W., Steiger J., Marchant A. & Legendre L. 2005: Phylogenetic analysis of Pinguicula (Lentibulariaceae): chloroplast DNA sequences and morphology reveal several geographically distinct radiations. – Amer. J. Bot. 92: 1723-1736.
18. Qiu Y-L, Dombrovska O., Lee J.,  Li L., Whitlock B.A., Bernasconi-Quadroni F., Rest J.S., Borsch T., Hilu K.W., Renner S., Soltis D.E., Soltis P.S., Zanis M.J., Gutell J. C., R., Powell M., Savolainen V., Chatrou L.W. & Chase M.W. 2005: Phylogenetic analyses of basal angiosperms based on nine plastid, mitochondrial, and nuclear genes. – Int. J. Pl. Sci. 166: 815-842.
17. Woods K., Hilu K.W., Borsch T. & Wiersema J.H., 2005: Pattern of variation and systematics of Nymphaea odorata: II. Sequence information from ITS and trnL-trnF. – Syst. Bot. 30: 481-493.
16. Woods K., Hilu K.W., Wiersema J.H. & Borsch T. 2005: Pattern of variation and systematics of Nymphaea odorata: I. Evidence from morphology and Inter-Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSRs). – Syst. Bot. 30: 471-480.
15. Müller K. & Borsch T. 2005: Phylogenetics of Amaranthaceae using matK/trnK sequence data – evidence from parsimony, likelihood and Bayesian approaches. – Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 92: 66-102.
14. Rahmanzadeh R., Müller K., Fischer E., Bartels E. & Borsch T. 2005: Linderniaceae and Gratiolaceae are further lineages distinct from Scrophulariaceae (Lamiales). – Pl. Biol. 7: 67-78.
13. Neinhuis C., Wanke S., Hilu K.W., Müller K. & Borsch T. 2005: Phylogeny of Aristolochiaceae based on parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesian analyses of  trnL-trnF sequences. – Pl. Syst. Evol. 250: 7-26.
12. Löhne C. & Borsch T. 2005:  Phylogenetic utility and molecular evolution of the petD group II intron in basal angiosperms. – Molec. Biol. Evol. 22: 317-332.
11. Müller K. & Borsch T. 2005: Phylogenetics of Utricularia (Lentibulariaceae) and molecular evolution of the trnK intron in a lineage with high mutational rates. – Pl. Syst. Evol. 250: 39-67.
10. Ortuño T. & Borsch T. 2005: Dos nuevas especies de Gomphrena (AmaranthaceaeGomphrenoideae) de los valles secos de Bolivia. – Novon 15: 180-189.
9. Müller K., Borsch T., Legendre L., Porembski S., Theisen I. & Barthlott W. 2004: Evolution of carnivory in Lamiales and Lentibulariaceae. – Pl. Biol. 6: 477- 490.
8. Kadereit G, Borsch T., Weising K. & Freitag H. 2003:  Phylogeny of Amaranthaceae and Chenopodiaceae and the evolution of C4 photosynthesis. – Int. J. Pl. Sci. 164: 959-986.
7. Hilu KW., Borsch T., Müller K., Soltis D.S., Soltis P.S., Savolainen V., Chase M.W., Powell M.,  Alice L.A., Evans R.,  Campbell C., Sauquet H., Neinhuis C., Slotta T., Rohwer J. & Chatrou L. 2003: Angiosperm phylogeny based on matK sequence information. – Amer. J. Bot. 90: 1758-1776.
6. Sauquet H., Doyle J.A., Scharaschkin T., Borsch T., Hilu K.W., Chatrou L.W., Thomas A. Le. 2003: Phylogenetic analysis of Magnoliales and Myristicaceae based on multiple data sets: implications for character evolution. – Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 142: 125-186.
5. Borsch T., Hilu K.W., Quandt D., Wilde V., Neinhuis C. & Barthlott W. 2003: Non-coding plastid trnT-trnF sequences reveal a well resolved phylogeny of basal angiosperms. – J. Evol. Biol. 16: 558-576.
4. Borsch T., Clemants S. & Mosyakin S. 2001: Symposium: Biology of the Amaranthaceae-Chenopodiaceae-alliance.  – J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 128: 234- 235.
3. Borsch T. 1998: Pollen types in the Amaranthaceae. Morphology and evolutionary significance. – Grana 37: 129-142.
2. Borsch T. & Barthlott W. 1998: Structure and evolution of metareticulate pollen. – Grana 37: 68-78.
1. Borsch T. 1995: Three new combinations in Pfaffia (Amaranthaceae) from the New World tropics. – Novon 5: 230-233.


Book chapters and monographs (published and in press)

10. Borsch T., Ortuño T. & Nee M. (in press): Amaranthaceae. (In: Jorgensen P.M., Beck S.G. (ed.), Catálogo de las plantas vasculares de Bolivia).  – Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.
9. Chase M.W., Fay M.F., Devey D.S., RØnsted N., Davies J., Pillon Y., Petersen G., Seberg O., Tamura M.N., Asmussen C.B., Hilu K.W., Borsch T., Davis J.L., Stevenson D.W., Pires J.C., Givnish T.J., Sytsma K.J. & Graham S.W. 2006: Multi-gene analyses of monocot relationships: a summary. – Pp. 63-75 in: Columbus J.T. (ed.), Proceedings on the third international conference on the monocots. – Aliso 22
8. Quandt D., Müller K., Stech M., Hilu K.W., Frey W., Frahm J.P. & Borsch T. 2004: Molecular evolution of the chloroplast trnL-F region in land plants. – Pp. 13-37 in: Goffinet B., Hollowell V., and Magill R. (ed.), Molecular systematics of bryophytes. – Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 98.
7. Bojan B., Clemants S. & Borsch T. 2003: Amaranthaceae. – Pp. 415-429 in: ZY Wu & PR Raven (ed.), Flora of China 5. – Beijing: Science Press & St Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden.
6. Barthlott W., Theisen I., Borsch T. & Neinhuis C. 2003: Epicuticular waxes and vascular plant systematics: integrating micromorphological and chemical data. – Pp. 189-206 in: Stuessy T.F., Mayer V., and Hörandl E. (ed.), Deep morphology: toward a renaissance of morphology in plant systematics. – Regnum Veg. 141.
5. Borsch T. 2001: Amaranthaceae. – Pp. 56-83 in: Stevens W.D., Ulloa Ulloa C., Pool A. & Montiel O. (ed.), Flora de Nicaragua 1.  – Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 80.
4. Borsch T. & Wilde V. 2000: Pollen variability within species, populations, and individuals, with particular reference to Nelumbo nucifera. – Pp. 285-299 in: Harley M., Blackmore S. & Morton C. (ed.), Pollen and spores: morphology and biology. Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens.
3. Borsch T. & Wolter M. 1998: Pollenmorphologie und -ultrastruktur. – Pp. 135-145 in: Barthlott W. & Lobin W. (ed.), Amorphophallus titanum. – Trop. Subtrop. Pflanzenwelt 99.
2. Borsch T., Neinhuis C. & Barthlott W. 1998: Nelumbo: new data on an exceptional plant. – Pp. 408-416 in: Auluo Z. & Sugong W. (ed.), Floristic characteristics and diversity of East Asian plants. – Kunming: China Higher Education Press & Hamburg: Springer.
1. Borsch T. 1993: Amaranthaceae. – Pp. 18-26 in: Brako L. & Zarucchi J.L. (ed.), Catalogue of the flowering plants and gymnosperms of Peru / Catálogo de las angiospermas y gymnospermas del Peru. – Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 45.


Journals, not peer reviewed

6. Borsch T., Löhne C., Müller M., Hilu K.W., Wanke S., Worberg A., Barthlott W., Neinhuis C. & Quandt D. 2005: Towards understanding basal angiosperm diversification: recent insights using rapidly evolving genomic regions. – Nova Acta Leopoldina, ser. 2, 92: 85-110.
5. Borsch T. & Pedersen T.M. 1997: Restoring the generic rank of Hebanthe Martius (Amaranthaceae).  – Sendtnera 4: 13-31.
4. Borsch T. & Barthlott W. 1995: Classification and distribution of the genus Nelumbo (Nelumbonaceae). – Beitr. Biol. Pfl. 68: 421-450.
3. Borsch T. & Kühn K. 1995: Bodenparameter und die standörtliche Differenzierung bachbegleitender Vegetation. Eine Studie im Vortaunus. – Courier Forschungsinst. Senckenberg 186 (Hans Joachim Conert-Festschrift): 169-183.
2. Borsch T. 1993: Das Gartenportrait: Der Missouri Botanical Garden. – Palmengarten 57: 26-31.
1. Borsch T. 1990: Die Vegetation extensiv genutzten und brachliegenden Grünlands im Naturschutzgebiet „Hinterste Neuwiese“ (Vortaunus). Untersuchungen zur Sukzession auf Feuchtwiesen. – Bot. Naturschutz Hessen 4: 14-45.